Optimized & Industry-ready Solutions

Physical Ability Testing

Onsite Job Analysis

AEI conducts detailed onsite job analysis to identify essential physical demands of tasks that are routinely encountered by workers in each job title for which testing is to be developed. The strength, endurance and postural/agility requirements of these tasks are quantified and documented.

AEI utilizes advanced wearable technology to quantify and document the energy expenditure of workers in each job title over a full shift’s work. Other data and metrics that are collected include the number of pieces manually handled, the total weight of those pieces, the nature of each transfer, time spent in manual handling, and total shift duration. A detailed technical analysis of the energy expenditure data along with the corresponding metrics enables AEI to establish job-specific requirements for the endurance, or aerobic capacity, needed by candidates. These endurance requirements can then be used as objective pass/fail criteria for aerobic capacity testing of job candidates.

Worker Task Questionnaires

After AEI reviews and analyzes the data collected during the onsite analysis, we will formulate a Worker Task Questionnaire (WTQ) for each of the specific job titles we examined.   A statistically significant sample of employees occupying those titles will be asked to complete the WTQ in order to obtain their evaluation of the frequency and importance of their job demands. This is a critical element in meeting the validity requirements established by agencies such as EEOC and OFCCP.

Test Battery Design and EEOC Documentation

Using the job analysis and Worker Task Questionnaire responses, AEI develops a series of test elements that comprise a job-related physical ability test battery.  This test battery is task oriented, based directly on physically-demanding but essential job functions, with objective pass/fail criteria set for each element.

Additionally, AEI prepares the documentation required by the EEOC, which outlines how the job analysis was performed, how the test battery was designed, how the battery relates to performing the job, and other evidence of the validity of the test battery. The whole Advanced Ergonomics implementation process is designed to meet  EEOC requirements set forth in the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, which  state that testing programs be validated as being specifically related to the job demands and being predictive of job performance.

Clinic Training and Testing

Advanced Ergonomics match employer locations with AEI-trained clinics that are actively performing tests for other clients.  If there are no active AEI-trained clinics in a particular location, or if an employer chooses to use a different clinic that will need training, Advanced Ergonomics coordinates the training. The chose clinics administer the AEI test battery and send the test data to AEI for interpretation.  After interpreting test results, AEI returns a pass/fail decision back to the specific employer location within twenty-four hours.

Evaluation of Program Effectiveness (Pre-/Post-Implementation Analysis)

The effectiveness of the Advanced Ergonomics Physical Ability Testing program is evaluated by comparing workers’ compensation injury rates and productivity for new-hires before and after implementation of testing.  Pre-implementation injury rates, the nature of the injuries and the number of hours worked by individuals hired in the year before implementation are compared the same information for individuals hired in the year after implementation. This Pre-/Post-Implementation Analysis is also a critical piece of legal evidence for the program’s validity.

Annual Job Requirement Review Circulation and Interpretation

To ensure the test battery is always up-to-date, a Job Requirement Review (JRR) is sent annually.  AEI will develop, circulate and interpret the JRR to assure that the test battery continues to reflect the current and relevant physical requirements. This is another of the elements that is critical to maintaining the legal defensibility of the testing program.  If the JRR indicates a change that impacts the physical demands of the job, AEI contacts the employer to discuss the matter further and determine if a reanalysis is required.

Onsite Job Reanalysis

To ensure ongoing legal defensibility, AEI requests that reanalysis should be conducted at least every 5 years for each job title for which testing has been developed. As with all of the other elements in the program, this step is a critical element in meeting the stipulations in EEOC’s Uniform Guidelines for Employee Selection Procedures.

Physical Ability Testing Saves Companies Money. Let us help.